Transvaginal Ultrasounds

Transvaginal Ultrasounds


Experience compassionate care with our team of experts.

  • Shorter waiting times
  • Flexible appointment scheduling
  • Expert consultations
  • Seamless treatment plans

What is a Transvaginal Ultrasound?

A transvaginal ultrasound or TVUS is a diagnostic imaging technique that provides a detailed view of the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, ovaries, and cervix. This type of ultrasound involves a small probe being gently inserted into the vagina, offering clearer images than external ultrasound methods. It’s a safe, non-invasive procedure that is effective for assessing various gynaecological conditions.

Why Might You Need a Transvaginal Assessment?

If you’re experiencing unexplained symptoms or your healthcare provider needs detailed information about your reproductive health, a transvaginal ultrasound may be recommended. This assessment is pivotal in diagnosing a range of conditions, from fibroids and cysts to ectopic pregnancies and endometriosis. It’s also instrumental in fertility assessments and monitoring the health of a pregnancy in its early stages.

Symptoms That May Require a Transvaginal Ultrasound

Certain symptoms may prompt your healthcare provider to recommend a Transvaginal Ultrasound to get a clearer understanding of your condition. Recognising these symptoms early can lead to timely diagnosis and treatment.

  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Pelvic pain
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Postmenopausal symptoms

By addressing these symptoms promptly, you can take a significant step toward understanding and managing your reproductive health.

How to Book a Private Transvaginal Ultrasound

In order to have these conditions assessed, it is essential to have a consultation with a doctor.  During this appointment a TVUS can be carried out and the results explained to you.

If you are undergoing IVF treatment you can book for a direct TVUS but will need confirmation from your clinic about what needs to be covered in your scan.  We will provide a report and images on the day.  

To book your private transvaginal ultrasound, visit our ‘Book an Appointment’ section on this page. Alternatively, contact our team via phone or email. They will help you through the process, answer any queries, and ensure you’re fully prepared for your appointment.

Upon confirming your booking, you’ll receive an email with all essential details, including preparation guidelines for your ultrasound. Our team is committed to providing a supportive and professional service, ensuring a smooth and informative experience.

How Much Is a Private Transvaginal Ultrasound?

Our private transvaginal ultrasounds are priced as follows:

Initial Consultation: £180 + £10 Admin Fee
Scan: £145 + £10 Admin Fee (admin fee only applicable if attending for TVUS for fertility assessment alone)

We provide multiple payment methods including cash and card.

If you plan to use health insurance, we recommend contacting your insurance provider to understand the details of your coverage for private transvaginal ultrasounds. We aim to provide all necessary documentation to facilitate your insurance claim, especially if you aim to get reimbursed according to the terms of your policy.

Pricing is subject to variation and the exact cost will be confirmed when you book your appointment.

How To Prepare For a Transvaginal Ultrasound

Preparing for your transvaginal ultrasound is simple and requires just a few steps to ensure the most accurate results:

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment.
  • Bring any relevant medical records or test results that could assist in the ultrasound evaluation.
  • Prepare any questions or concerns you might have about the procedure to discuss with your consultant.
  • It is not necessary to have a full bladder for this scan.

Transvaginal Ultrasound Aftercare

Aftercare following a transvaginal ultrasound varies based on individual diagnosis and circumstances.

Post-procedure, you may resume your normal activities immediately, as there’s typically no downtime required. However, your healthcare provider may offer specific aftercare instructions tailored to your situation, especially if the ultrasound results indicate a need for further investigation or treatment. This could include additional diagnostic tests, follow-up appointments, or starting a course of medication.

It’s crucial to follow these recommendations closely and maintain open communication with your team to address any concerns or symptoms that may arise, ensuring optimal care and monitoring of your condition.

Why Go Private for Your Transvaginal Ultrasound?

By choosing us, you’ll experience minimal waiting times for your transvaginal ultrasound, ensuring fast and attentive care. Our personalised treatment plans and immediate access to experienced consultants guarantee a tailored and efficient healthcare experience. We prioritise your comfort and health, offering a supportive and expert service every step of the way.

Last Reviewed By A Medical Professional On 01/29/24