Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain


Physical pain or acute pain, can impact your daily life in many ways. For many, simple analgesia can be effective and relieve the symptoms of acute pain. Chronic pain is an extreme condition where a patient will feel the effects of this physical pain for more than 3 months. Treatment can be offered but it’s likely the pain will recur and can be overwhelming in some cases.


Pain itself is a symptom where the brain transmits signals from the source via the nervous system. Acute pain will commonly resolve itself or ease after the use of medication. Chronic pain will present itself as a persistent symptom of a physical ailment such as back pain, headaches or nerve damage. While it can be managed with medication or in some cases, physical therapy, it is common that it will be ongoing. In some cases this will impact the quality of life for the patient.

Common areas for chronic pain:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle ache
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Abdominal pain & bloating
  • Nerve pain or damage as a result of injury


There are many causes for chronic pain but commonly it can arise from an ailment such as arthritis or cancer. Other causes could be pain caused by a simple injury leading to a complicated recovery, for instance a twisted ankle or bulging disc in your back. Treatment for the individual will look different based on the cause of the problem.
In some cases pain can be caused by a psychological factor like stress or anxiety. This is known as psychosomatic pain and due to the nature of the cause for this pain, recovery can take a long time.
Each individual will need to heal in their own time and learn to manage this symptom either via medication or a holistic approach.


Diagnosis of chronic pain can be difficult as the patient will be treated on an individual basis. During your appointment with a qualified provider in the clinic, you will discuss your concerns in a safe and comfortable environment. The practitioner may ask some questions to get to the cause of your symptoms in order to consider a suitable treatment plan. In some cases a physical examination may be required, bloods can be drawn or referral for imaging to get a clearer picture of the source of the pain. Your practitioner will discuss all these options with you during your appointment so that you are informed about your treatment options.

Treatment Options

As chronic pain is specific to the individual, their symptoms or cause for symptoms can look different based on a number of factors;

  • Identify source of pain
  • Is there a definitive cause for this?
  • Type of pain felt, i.e. burning, shooting, sharp etc?
  • What effect is it having on sleep & everyday life tasks?

Once these can be established then it will be important to rate the level of pain so the correct treatment options can be trialed. Previous imaging or blood results can also be considered as well as general overall health to give a full picture to the provider for your care.

When To Get Help With Pain

Chronic pain can be dismissed for many reasons but if you feel that you are suffering for a long time then it is important to speak to someone or ask for help. Conditions or symptoms can be managed with both medicinal & holistic care and the course of treatment will be determined based on the needs of the individual. At the Mid Ulster Clinic, we have a number of qualified professionals who are able to assess and treat you on a personal level in order to manage your health effectively.


Types of Pain That We Treat

  • Sciatica pain
  • Knee pain
  • Stomach pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Neck pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Heel pain
  • Earache
  • Groin pain
  • Wrist pain
  • Breast pain
  • Foot pain
  • Leg pain
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Period pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Joint pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Hand pain
  • Arm pain
  • Body aches

Why Go Private for Pain Treatment?

By The Mid Ulster Clinic pain management clinic, you will be seen by a qualified Consultant, Doctor, Nurse or medically trained professional. Waiting times to treatment will be significantly reduced which can improve your chance at a progressive recovery and boost your overall health and wellbeing both physically and mentally.

Last Reviewed By A Medical Professional On 01/29/24